Tech Trends 2025: A Conversation with Our CTO

In this interview, Alessandro Rescalli provides a perspective on the developments that will drive technological and business progress in the year to come.

The year 2025 marks a significant shift in the technology landscape. Our Chief Technology Officer, Alessandro Rescalli, has an insider’s view of the innovations that are revolutionising the IT sector.

Through an open conversation, Alessandro Rescalli offers a clear perspective on the developments that will drive business innovation and technological progress in the year ahead.

"Anticipating the potential of a technological innovation can be a great improvement but it is also a great challenge."

Key technology trends

We asked our CTO how he sees the technology landscape evolving in 2025. In his answer, he mentioned several trends, some already present for a few years and others relatively new.

“The first trend is the proliferation of frontend and backend frameworks, in all kinds of languages. Especially user interfaces are reaching very complex levels of interaction on web platforms and, consequently, the frameworks for their development are constantly evolving. On the other hand, cloud systems are evolving and will continue to evolve towards technologies that allow them to scale more easily, simplify configuration processes and provide high processing capacities when needed. This includes orchestration systems such as Kubernetes and serverless services. All major cloud providers provide such tools. This will simplify dev-ops processes.”

Finally, the latest trend sees the emergence of AI, which “will undoubtedly evolve very quickly and invade all kinds of processes and technologies”. He added that “we will really find AI in any kind of device. However, it still has some maturing to do. We will see if 2025 will be the decisive year”.

  • 1
    What is Binary System doing to take advantage of new technologies?
    Technological innovation is undoubtedly very attractive because it always promises to speed up and simplify the processes of developing and installing services. Binary’s strength has been and will continue to be to evaluate everything on the market with curiosity, but also with a critical eye. Fundamental will always be the questions to ask: what is the feedback from internal experimentation, is the technology or the company mature enough, which product or service can best absorb the introduction of the new technology?
  • 2
    As multimodal transport needs increase, how do we improve our integration capacity?
    I believe that the flexibility that our products have always shown will make them easily adaptable to these kinds of requirements. Functionally and technologically, Binary System has always had the ability to find the right compromise between stability and flexibility, and this is the key to support such heterogeneous scenarios. We have many years of experience in integrating different systems and we are increasingly automating and standardising this type of development.

How do you know when it is time to switch to a new technology?

Technological innovation is a matter of synchronicity: a technology must be applied when it is mature, but processes and products must also be ready for it. And the right opportunity must also be seized: it has often been the case that a technical problem becomes an opportunity for technological breakthrough.

SoftRail product
roadmap innovations

On a practical level, we asked him for concrete examples of how we are implementing these innovations in our current product roadmap. Here is the CTO’s response.

“Our company has been migrating and optimising its products on two fronts for years, and the two paths are intertwined. On the one hand, we are implementing the core algorithms of our procedures in more efficient, testable and scalable languages. On the other, we are engaged in a process of evolving the execution of our services towards Kubernetes and serverless procedures that bring greater flexibility, scalability, computational power and thus significantly improved performance. On the other hand, a UI/UX renewal process is underway, which will undoubtedly bring an improvement in terms of aesthetics and usability. In short: we are working to significantly improve the user experience in the coming year.”

As for AI, he commented, ‘We have started a process of internal experimentation to study its potential and suitable application areas which, on paper, have no limits. As I said before, the questions to ask before adopting a new technology are fundamental!

Cybersecurity: the answer to transport challenges in the digital age

Considering the challenges posed by cyber security in transport systems, Alessandro Rescalli mentioned several strategies we are implementing to protect our customers’ operations.

“Certainly, the issue of security has become very important in a world where everything is connected and exposed, the risks are also increasing. Our customers have also become more sensitive to the issue, and we have responded with a dedicated security team that collaborates with the research and development team to select or develop the most appropriate tools, monitor the results and intervene in time. All while pushing the accelerator further and further towards automating the response to attacks.”

R&D leading change

Our conversation highlighted that technological progress is not only about innovation, but also about strategic vision and adaptability.

Understanding and evaluating emerging technologies is essential for business growth, and the R&D (Research and Development) team must lead change.

"Choosing which technologies to introduce in the company is like jumping from one ship to another: you can't jump straight off. You have to experiment with them, make sure they are safe, and only then let the other passengers move on to the new ship".

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